The Dangers of Dynamite Fishing

Today we will question whether dynamite fishing is dangerous and the impact it has on marine life. Despite its illegal status, dynamite fishing has been on the rise in the past few years in the Aegean Sea and in the Coral Triangle in Southeast Asia. It is a highly destructive fishing method, destroying not only coral reefs, but also marine invertebrates, marine mammals, and other sea creatures. It is a practice that affects both small and large coastal communities, and it is particularly harmful for local economies.

What is Dynamite?

Dynamite fishing

Dynamite is an explosive that is made using chemical compounds like ammonium nitrate. The chemicals used are not very stable and can cause devastating injuries to fisherman and innocent bystanders. They can also blow the fisherman to bits. It can be difficult to detect dynamite in the water. In addition, it can be dangerous to the environment, as it can suffocate nearby corals.

Dynamic Impact of Dynamite Fishing

As a result of this practice, coral reefs are weakened and vulnerable to climate change. The effects of climate change can include acidification and mass bleaching, leading to the death of entire coral colonies. These events take decades or even centuries to recover from. The destruction of coral reefs leads to a decline in the overall fish population. Consequently, the economy of the local fishermen and tourism industries is negatively affected.

Besides, dynamite fishing is indiscriminate, meaning that it kills all of the fish in the area. This can lead to a reduction in the number of fish that live in the area, including juvenile fish. It can also have a domino effect on the balance of the reef. By killing the juvenile fish, dynamite fishing can deplete the population of other species in the area. This means that dynamite fishermen cannot afford to consider the future.

The Philippines is one of the world’s leading centres for marine biodiversity. However, the country has faced considerable difficulties in protecting this valuable resource. A lack of institutional and human efforts have contributed to the degradation of the marine ecosystem. Since dynamite is relatively inexpensive, it has been used as a low-cost means of fishing.

But it is not the only destructive fishing method. Another harmful method is called blast fishing. This method involves throwing a bomb that explodes in the middle of a school of fish. It can pulverize the fish, stun them, and leave chunks of fish on the reef. This is a method that has been used in the villages of many countries, including the Philippines. These bombs have the potential to harm fishermen and bystanders, as well as the oceans.

While most countries have banned dynamite fishing, there are a few exceptions. In the Philippines, dynamite is still commonly used in the southern part of the country. It is considered to be uncontrollable, and it is not easy to monitor it in the Marine Reserves. It is therefore important for consumers to refuse to purchase dynamited fish. This will discourage fishermen from killing marine life.

In the Philippines, dynamite fishing has become a serious conservation concern. It has caused the loss of half a dozen species that were not seen in decades. It has also caused severe injury to marine mammals and has left fishermen blind, deaf, and maimed.


If you are looking to conduct some legal fishing in Scotland you may want to stick to a method that partains to sustainable fishing in Scotland, such as magnet fishing.